What to expect during a SNOW event

5cm Snow event Driveway removal will begin once snowfall has stopped.

7cm Snow event Driveway removal will begin once the majority of the snow has fallen. We will pass twice on main streets following the city plows. If there is a sidewalk in front of your property a third pass is likely.

10+cm Snow event Driveway removal will begin once the first 5cm's had accumulated. We will return as often as necessary following the city plows.


Questions, comments, concerns

During a storm we always have a fully staffed call center to help answer any questions you might have or dispatch services. 

We will be using our website to provide updates as often as possible, and we will also have a message on our voicemail to inform you of our intended plan. Of course weather systems and city response times are not within our immediate control- we do encourage you to contact us, via email or phone, as soon as possible with any concerns.